Naohikari's Songlist

20,440 songs in 501 packs

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1392 Newton's Cradle Hexstatic Chicago Timing Authority 00:02:16 138 12
17238 My name is elite [V] Sakura Miko x Kinoshita Virtual Youtuber Pad Pack II 00:01:41 181 2 5 7 9 11 13
13414 Press Start (Dex Arson Remix) MDK Shpadoinkle #9 00:02:04 128 3 9 10 11
13338 Beautiful World Elegant Machinery Shpadoinkle #7 00:02:46 125 10
13977 Sweet Lovin' [V] Sigala Speirmix GALAXY 00:02:20 125 1 3 5 8 9 8
628 day by day (PSYQUI Remix) lapix Barber Cuts 3 00:02:18 170 13
7826 Cowboy f(x) Highflyer's Tech Trails - Korean Air 00:02:16 130 4 6 9 11
7668 Adidas Russian Village People Feat. Mr. Polska Hardbass Madness 2 00:02:15 165 9 12 13 14 14
14621 [17] [180] Clouds Schatze Lv.4 Stamina RPG 5 00:08:19 180 17
5880 HANA RANMAN (Flowers) TERRA Easy As Pie 3 00:01:44 80-160 10
4815 true...(radio edit) RIYU KOSAKA DDRMAX (for ITG) 00:01:38 125 1 1 5 7 3 4 7
13022 Dance Dance Sexuality Violation Fallout Boy Sexuality Violation 3 00:03:00 229 7 9 15 18 19
449 Waiting for You Seal BGS Mania 00:01:40 99 1 2 4 7
7512 [15] [155] Dance Around The World The Delta Queens Girls Coast Stamina Season 3 00:04:59 155 15
2465 SKY HIGH LUCYFER DDR 4th Mix Plus (for ITG) 00:01:26 160 4 6 8 4 6 8
4484 Yoru Funk DDR Xbox 360 Releases (for ITG) 00:01:29 100 1 3 6 8 1 3 6 8
1751 Over The Frail Dream PHANTASMA Cirque du Zonda 00:01:30 205 15 16
9170 [10] Make Eggs, Eat Eggs Ben Briggs ITL Online 2023 00:02:12 128 10
4255 777 EeL DDR Xbox 360 Releases (for ITG) 00:01:49 200 1 4 6 8 9 1 3 6 9 10
17512 AK-47 [V] Little Big dimo's -V- selifmis 00:02:01 174 12
12917 Kimi to Boku e no Sousouka ROKINA Sefirot'S SimfileS 3 00:02:30 220 14 16
8629 [09] Want U Back Cher Lloyd ITL Online 2022 [09] DLC 00:02:12 98 9
7222 [12] [170] Parodia Sonatina Ice Girls Coast Stamina Season 2 00:03:27 170 12
15176 [17] [200] Brooklyn Underground Mergel Stamina RPG 7 00:06:03 200 17
18686 MADELINE INJI 9guys1pack 00:02:03 125 2 4 7 9 10
13137 Idol (Aniko is Pojingu Version) DJ Sharpnel Sharpnelstreamz v1 00:02:04 181 12
5057 IT'S SO DELICIOUS DREAMS COME TRUE Dancing Stage Featuring Releases (for ITG) 00:01:28 116 4 7 8 9 5 8 8
241 Stay With Me Ruby Tuesday Aoreo's Ariginals 3 00:01:56 140 1 3 6 9 11
674 Zombie Hunter (VIP Mix) Barely Alive Barely Playable 00:02:08 128 12
2891 Abrupt Madness Mameyudoufu DDR A3 Incomplete (for ITG) 00:01:58 185 2 5 9 12 5 9 12
11278 Romancing Layer TAG Mute Sims X2 00:01:39 150 11
19993 Fighter Power Tanchiky Fanatik & Friends 00:02:30 174 8 10 11
5639 PhaseX s-don ECFA 2021 (12s DLC) 00:02:32 155 12
185 Lone Digger Caravan Place Albumix 3.III 00:02:01 31-124 1 4 6 7 9
15674 The a la Menthe La Caution TYLR's Technical Difficulties 00:02:01 198 13 16
945 South Wind moimoi BemaniBeats Rev 00:02:02 123 10
9782 O Sole Mio (Disco Dance Edit) Andreas Schonberg & Marlis Petersen Italian Zarranza 00:02:31 138 10 11
13237 It's Gonna be Me *NSYNC Shpadoinkle #4 00:02:04 83 9
18132 Taiga Reso yutsi-type beats 00:03:54 172 15
11358 Way of the Warrior James Marvel ft. MC Mota Mute Sims X 00:01:59 172 10 11
19474 [18] [180] The Second Circle - Lust Betwixt & Between Stamina RPG 8 00:14:36 180 18
15042 [16] [138] Chipz is Back Ch!pz (mixed by Zarzob) Stamina RPG 7 Unlocks - NaoHikari 00:59:36 138 16
13152 Planetz DJ Sharpnel Sharpnelstreamz v1 00:03:21 190 13
16704 Coronach ilem (cover by Marblue) The Starter Pack of Stamina 00:03:50 93 6 8 9 10 10
13247 Money Shot Yannis Kamarinos Shpadoinkle #4 00:03:39 140 13
252 Crystal Forest Daisuke Ishiwatari Arc Stream Works - Mission Mode 00:03:24 132 11 12
10201 BBOOM BBOOM MOMOLAND Koreyja 2 00:02:24 126 10 12 9 10 11
4149 dirty digital kors k DDR X2 (for ITG) 00:01:29 140 1 3 5 7 9 3 5 7 9
15614 Leaving Leafwood Forest Bossfight Swedish Fika 00:02:37 125 10
7420 [11] [175] Tower Of Heaven Feint Girls Coast Stamina Season 3 00:02:43 175 11
Songlist last updated: 2024-11-29
Records 551-600 of 20,440
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SMRequests is a song request and hosted songlist tool for live streaming StepMania 5. Check out the current project on Github. Thanks to ddrDave for the original project and concept. Hosting provided by SMRequests.